(Judy with grandchildren, Abey, Sebby and Ky)
(Judy with my little squirts, Thatcher and Jackson)When I think of the ultimate, All American Homemaker, it is not Donna Reed, nor Alexandra Stoddard, not even Martha, that first comes to mind. For me,
Judy Nelson reigns supreme in the history of homemaking authorities. If you have ever entered your best pie, bottled jam, or hand-stitched quilt in the fair, then Judy has judged it. I guess that would make her Judge Judy. Watch out Duchesne and Price! Judge Judy is at a fair near you this summer!
The first time (and last) I ever sewed anything was with Judy. The first time I made bread (and last) was with Judy. I covet her domestic talents and after being in her presence I'm often left to wonder,
"Where in tarnation was I when those gifts were passed out?" Overcoming the temptation to feel pathetically sorry for myself, I got up the guts to ask her to come over to my home and teach me and my family how to make bread, yet again.
Not only did she come, but she spent
Family Home Evening with us and while the bread was rising, taught us some fun new games, i.e. "What Time Is It, Big, Bad Wolf?" The boys LOVED her. Can I just express for a moment how awesome it is to have someone with a Masters in Child Development interacting with my boys?
If her Masters isn't impressive enough, her late husband, Mark Nelson, after enduring the debilitating effects of Polio as a teen, went on to receive a PhD in Physics from Harvard and taught Physics at BYU for 40 years! Her children were all Sterling Scholars and her daughter,
Marilyn (close to me in age) received the prestigious Hinckley Scholarship at BYU. Blows my mind.
Thank you Judge Judy, who is really not at all judgmental, but rather patient, thoughtful, insightful and gentle. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I need to go write a poem.