Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lilith Fair

Listen, I am not a fan of online competitions where you beg people to vote for you. I'm sure you understand. Today, I am making an exception, because I REALLY want to play at the Lilith Fair in Salt Lake City on July 12th. They are holding a competition for regional artists and the prize is to play a set on stage at the USANA.

Let's be honest, the people who put this competition together could not have made it more difficult to vote. You will have to register as a fan to be able to judge by clicking here. Then you will have to spend time voting through all of the artists. The more time you spend voting, the better chance I will have at winning. WHY SHOULD YOU DO THIS??!!!

If you are either a.) my mother b.) my husband or c.) my close friend then you will do it because you love me. If you are a rabid fan, then you will do it because it will be your chance to hear the finished version of my song, "California" before it releases in August. You will also see a preview of my potential album cover. These are top secret things, you know, but you can have access to them if you spend the time to vote.

Trust me, it will be confusing and it will take a good chunk of your time. If you have questions, you can email me at I am entering this competition 22 days late with only two days to win it. You will not be able to vote for the quarter finals after May 24th. Click here to vote through Facebook. After you, vote, send me an email telling me that you did and I will email you back telling you how much I love you.


  1. Hells Bells, that was a pain to do. But you were at #18 when I voted, so it looks like you are moving up!

  2. You are now #17! It was a pain, especially since they kept bringing up repeats... but it was also kind of nice to hear what's out there too. Best of luck!

  3. It took about 20 or more songs to listen to before I got yours, but I voted. At 8:15 Utah time you are in 17th place.
    Sidenote- Libbie Linton "I am a Stone" is in first right now. And I hated that song so much I put her in 4th position all 5 times I got it. But the Jemma Jackman song was even worse.
    "California" has long been one of my favorites (since I heard it a year ago)!

  4. I am going to beat someone up. I have voted for an hour and you haven't come up yet. But now I am DETERMINED. So yeah, basically you picked the right person to ask to vote for you.

    Love ya! :)

  5. I did my best - I won't admit to how long I just spent there, but I'll say that I managed to vote for you 4 times, and only got slightly frustrated with the process. Still 17th place for now, but that's not bad for only one day. How high do we need to get you? :)

  6. I am AMAZED that anyone has actually responded to my plea for help. Amazed because you have now all experienced the hell that is the voting process. I honestly don't understand it. I think the people who have been on there the longest pop up more frequently or maybe those with the most votes pop up more frequently. You can vote all day long as much as you want. I think the more number one votes I get, the more frequently I'll appear. Thanks SO MUCH to all of you. You have helped me move up two spaces! I really could just kiss you all! If I can stay in the top 20 then I move on to the next round, so I'm feeling pretty good about number 16 considering I joined the voting after it started 22 days earlier with only two days left. You rock!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I am glad that once you have listened to an artist you do not have to listen again and can just place them in an order.
    Great song Mindy! I am excited for your Album!
    Keep Smiling and singing!

  9. #15!!! You're getting up there! sheesh i wish they'd post the standings sooner..

  10. WHOA!!! You're in fourth! Holy cow, we're good! :D

  11. I feel so accomplished after voting for 2 hours straight! :)
    my brain is mush...

  12. Awww. I would have voted, dear, if I knew about it sooner. You should email me these things in the future. I'm a sucker for helping people out.

    Cute post.

    Hope you win it.

  13. 5 hours straight at work = 5 straight hours of voting for you, my friend. haha...huzzah. AND, even though you'll make it through no matter your ranking (w/in the top 20), you deserve to be #1. Go team.

  14. I voted just now...not sure if it counted, but I did it!
