On the 4th of July, my husband and I took our boys to the local carnival. I sort of loathe carnivals. But I really loathe carnivals when it's over 100 degrees and I'm 8 months pregnant. I literally couldn't take one more step and so I found refuge on a patch of grass while the boys bounded and flipped down the bouncy slide a hundred times. They broke all the rules and were chastened by the bouncy slide ticket-taker a number of times. I looked the other way.
My husband snapped a picture of me as I languished in the dirty grass by the trash bin. I forced a smile as I am apt to do in photos these days. Then I legitimately laughed when I saw the photo with the "trash only" sign so appropriately lending a title to my self pity. If that isn't a synchronicity then I don't know what is.

I think I saw you today.. at Tarjay again. Anyhow, if it was you, then you looked stinkin' adorable and cute in your jean skirt and sweet little basketball you're carrying around. :)
ReplyDeleteAw, Min, you're too dang good looking for your own good. Beautiful, eight months and all. We need to meet up while I'm here :). I'd love to see you and the rest of the Winkel clan!
ReplyDeleteMegan! Are you here right now?! Please call me! I'd love to feature you on this here blog you know.
ReplyDeleteAnd Bridget: Didn't we meet at Target before? Weird! Thanks for your sweet words.
Well, for the record, I think you look simply gorgeous!!!!
ReplyDeleteLife comes in seasons, thank heaven. So when your feelen sad just know the season will always change. You never know what seasons will bring but the good thing is there is a balance of good and bad. Thanks for sharing your self, charity never fails. Your the artist Mindy.
ReplyDeleteI was so OVER being pregnant that last month (or two, or three). My sweet boy turned four months old today! How is it that the last bit of pregnancy goes on forever, and then it rushes by way too fast once they are here? Sending good birthing vibes your way!