Today my firstborn child graduated from the second grade. As is tradition, the family congregated down at Wasatch Elementary to watch the end-of-school dance celebration. Keep in mind that the Glediator went to Wasatch and these dances haven't changed in more than twenty years. Jackson did a flawless routine to "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and made his momma all kinds of proud.
Now, the question remains: WHAT IN TARNATION AM I GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER????
I wish I were the funnest mom in the world, overflowing with fanaticism over child development. I know some moms who are beautifully gifted at that. But let's be honest: I have anxiety about my kids being home 24/7 this summer. And while in the past I have been envious and have wondered what might be wrong with me, I have finally come to terms with the fact that I have different strengths. So, to all you moms out there with brilliant ideas on how to pass the time with your kids at home for the next few months, I invite you to bring your good wisdom to the table that we might sup together. May your summer be filled with lemonade stands, slip 'n slides, sidewalk chalk, and meltdown-free road trips. Godspeed.