A few of my favorite things from the most wonderful time of the year:
My husband.

My first year ever of having Christmas lights on the house!

Playing some tunes with the Lower Lights for a family who has a son with special needs.

When my friend Carina (aka Azúcar) made me Spanish Tortilla de Patatas.

Surprising my sister Angi, at the airport when she flew in with her family from Istanbul for the holidays.

My grandfather-in-law teaching me how to make homemade marshmallows.

The big snowstorm!

Mom's Christmas tree.

Snuggling with Dad, just like old times.

Mom's Christmas turkey. Doesn't it look incredible?

Sharing some final moments with Grandma Rose.

P.S. Because I love my children more than anything, I rarely post their photos in order to protect them, but they have been by far, my most favorite part about the Christmas season. Enjoy the last few days of 2010!