How do I love thee? Let me count the ways: a Whole Foods on every corner, the people here care about the environment, your abundance of green reminds that the earth is alive, you are the mother of Powell's Books (the finest bookstore in the all the land), art is not a luxury, but a necessity for you, and lastly, the people here are open-minded and accepting towards strangers. Thank you for receiving me so graciously. I'll leave you with a few photos of my time on stage with you. Such a fulfilling night for me:

(All photos by Vaughn Hughes)

Looks like you had an awesome time!
ReplyDeleteDid you know I live 1 block away from Powell's? Well did ya, punk?
ReplyDeleteStrike that last comment. I live by a Powell's Bookstores, Chicago. Sneaky devils. Now who's the punk?
ReplyDeletewe enjoyed the concert so much! Thanks for coming to Portland!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Powell's. A true heaven on earth! Portland is absolutely beautiful. I hope to live there one day...
ReplyDeleteWe loved the show and can't wait to see you again! Four 16 year old girls enjoyed their first concert with you! Thank you for a fabulous time!
ReplyDelete*We love your hair!
*We love your new video!
My husband and I had a fabulous time at your concert at the Venetian theatre...I didn't mind looking like a dork at all the next day when I went to work and excitedly showed off my signed CD's and photo with you! Next time I will be sure to bring my little girl, who at 3 years old LOVES to sing along to your album. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent. With much love!