When the decision was made to organize another benefit concert for Nie, phone calls were made and emails were sent to conjure up any help we could get. Many responded, but only a handful really committed to the task at hand. John Graham, long time next-door neighbor and childhood friend to Nie, stepped up to the plate from the start, ready and willing to knock it out of the park. I first met John in high school. If I could tell you the two things I remember most about him, they would be his knock-out smile and that he was (is) an amazing dancer. John went on to dance professionally for a number of years. He graduated from BYU in Marriage, Family and Human Development. Now, he trains for marathons and triathlons. And yes ladies, he is single.
If you have been following the story of Christian and Stephanie Nielson you can now look back and see the tremendous recovery that has been made and the magnificent distance that has been covered to this point. It is nothing short of a miracle and I pray that it may continue to improve. I see this progress as a milestone in the marathon of life. Having recently completed a marathon, I appreciate Paul's counsel to the saints to run with patience the race of life in which we are taking part (Hebrews 12: 1-2). It certainly has taken patience to run this race, but I have concluded that this event has brought people together in unity and love. The reach goes beyond family and friends to complete strangers who seek only to extend comfort; to contribute any time and talent they have to the Nielsons' recovery. Much good has been done and much progress has been made. The following verse helped me to complete my own race, and I really feel that it applies here as well. "Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed." (Doctrine and Covenants 123: 17).
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Wow, what a handsome guy - holy cow! :) Trying to think of some single girls....