Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thank You!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all who submitted a pitch in my contest. Each one was a literary slice of genius and I wanted to kiss you all after reading them. Every single comment made me smile to myself and several made me laugh out loud. Over the next 24 hours I will be sifting through the lot and will let you know the winner by tomorrow night.

And to close the day I give you 5 Successes for 1/17/10:

1.) Sang and spoke for inmates at a worship service at the State Prison. Their choir learned one of my songs and sang with me. Filled me to the brim.
2.) Made dinner - a somewhat rare event.
3.) Made Peanut Butter Cookies sweetened with Agave Nectar instead of sugar.
4.) Gave my husband a back rub.
5.) Let my son stay up late just for kicks.

Night night.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky inmates, lucky family, lucky husband!

    My 5 for yesterday:
    1. Left our bench at Stake Conference better than it was when we arrived.
    2. Made goals for the next 2 weeks, including getting to bed at a decent hour.
    3. Made dinner for my family.
    4. Participated in scout Boards of Review and did not hug any one of those cute little 11-year-old boys (apparently 11-year-old boys don't like being told they're cute or being hugged).
    5. Read 'Walter the Farting Dog' to my 5-year-old at least 5 times.
